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6 Categories Of Safety Signs

Safety Signs

Did you know that in Australia under AS1319 all safety signs are sorted into 6 important categories? All signs are carefully designed to alert people on a universal level, with recognisable symbols, bold colours and clear lettering.

🚫 Prohibition Signs – noticed by its infamous red circle with a line through. These signs are used to help send immediate caution to people, letting them know they CAN’T DO something.

🔵 Mandatory Signs – recognised by a white symbol/picture within a blue circle on a white background. Mandatory signs are exactly that! These signs must be displayed as a reminder, letting those in the area know they MUST DO something.

💀 Danger Signs – warning people about potentially life-threatening hazards or hazardous conditions is a serious matter! You need to use a Danger Sign in order to let everyone know that these hazards can KILL YOU.

⚠️ Warning Signs – universally recognised by its yellow background and black triangle, warning signs are used when something within the area may HURT YOU.

Emergency Information Signs – these signs are something that need to be used for when/if something goes wrong! Allowing people to find the location of, or directions to, emergency related facilities. SAFETY FIRST!

🔥 Fire Signs – incase of a fire emergency, these bright red signs are bold in colour and easy to see, making them perfect for locating nearby FIRE EQUIPMENT.

Needing some or all of these safety signs? We’ve got you covered! Check out our range by clicking here!

Because safety shouldn’t come at price.

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